If you have an office, you have to keep it clean. That means that you…

Your Checklist for Office Spring Cleaning
You may have heard the saying that a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind. We are not sure we agree with that statement, but we do know that mess can quickly get out of control in an office environment. Scheduling routine deep cleanings of your office not only helps you organize, but also gives you a chance to disinfect.
Every office is different, but here are the big items we suggest get a thorough cleaning when you hit your spring cleaning.
Physical files. If you are still keeping physical files, going through them once a year or, ideally, once a quarter, is a great idea. What paperwork do you need to save? Do you need physical copies of that paperwork or can you make digital files? Shredding and discarding paperwork you no longer need can free up tons of space.
Supply closet. The size of your supply closet probably varies with the size and nature of your business. However, if employees cannot go into the cabinet and find what they need for their work, it is not performing its job. Likewise, it needs to be easy to inventory. Sort it, organize it, throw out supplies that are outdated or no longer work. At the same time, you can reorder supplies that you need to restock.
Refrigerator. While you should be regularly cleaning your work fridge, it needs to be deep cleaned at least once a year. Take everything out, defrost if required, throw out old food, sanitize all surfaces. You might be horrified at what we regularly find in office refrigerators.
Coffee pot. Even if your employees are great about rinsing out the coffee pot, water deposits can make your coffee pot slow and grimy looking. Deep cleaning with a vinegar rinse can make old coffee pots look and perform good as new.
Keyboard. Keyboards collect junk and debris. Spring clean your keyboard by using an electronic-safe disinfectant on the surface and using compressed air to blow out any debris that is trapped under the keys.
Computer. Now that so much of the workplace is virtual, so is the workplace clutter. Spend time cleaning up your desktop and clearing out your inbox.
Phone. You should be regularly cleaning your phone and any high-touch surfaces with disinfectant cleaners but spend some extra time cleaning around buttons and mouthpieces. You will be shocked at how dirty they get!